Education at Our Core

Exciting Professional Development Opportunities for Principals & Staff around NZ

Making Technology Simple

We've got schools covered with PLD for principals, teachers and staff. Hosted by our accredited PL facilitators, we offer a range of cost effective digital learning courses, webinars, events and workshops throughout the year and during term breaks. Check out our upcoming workshops and find a topic that works for you!

Can’t find a date or location that suits?
Get in touch with our team to learn more about hosting a digital learning workshop at your school.

Teacher Aide PLD Workshops

We are excited to be offering PLD workshops specifically designed for Teacher Aides and funded by the Ministry of Education.

Learn More

Meet the TTS Professional Learning & Development Facilitators.

Regionally-Allocated PLD

If your school has been allocated PLD hours and you'd like to see if TTS is the best fit to deliver your PLD, reach out to us for a quick chat to learn more about what topics our facilitators could deliver to best benefit your school staff.

Not sure if your school is eligible for Ministry Funded PLD?

Our team can help. Get in touch to learn more about the application process and how our facilitators can provide support to you at every stage.

Next application deadline: TBD

Enquire Now

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