TTS is a digital learning company.

We provide IT services, professional development and online learning resources to support NZ schools.

At TTS, we are experts in both education and IT. We know what needs to be done to make the most of technology in schools.

We take the guesswork out of school technology by providing solutions that work seamlessly across 3 parts:

IT Solutions Making technology work in schools

Professional Development Services How to use the technology in classrooms

Classroom Resources Our in-house tools to support digital learning

IT Solutions

Making Technology Work

We use our expertise of both teaching and IT to create a system built for your school, your teachers and your students. The result? Technology that is easy to use, works every time, and truly supports learning outcomes.

Our dedicated team of experts are ready to help with managing school devices, data, hardware, software, servers, systems, ICT Projects, migrations, installations... and even your school website! Get in touch with our team to learn more about our full set of IT solutions.

Professional Development Services

Upskilling Your Staff

Technology is only as smart as the people using it.

Upskilling your staff won’t just make their lives easier, it will also improve learning outcomes for your students – and save you money in the long term.

Our accredited facilitators can support learning in a range of ways, including hosted workshops and webinars, On Demand PLD and classroom resources, MoE application support, and PLD programmes tailored specifically to your school. Get in touch with our team to learn more about our full set of PLD services.

Classroom Resources

Managing Digital Learning

Our in-house software and subscription content has been uniquely designed to strengthen and simplify digital learning by making it easier for teachers to use technology in the classroom.

Our online tools help manage, deliver, engage and measure digital learning outcomes.

Get in touch with our team to learn more about our full set of TTS | Universal resources.

Chat with an expert.

Want to get more from your school tech? Need to make some updates but not sure where to start? Our team can help. Reach out today to learn more and find a solution that works for you.

What those who work with us say:

“A big thank you for your efforts yesterday with the Year 7 & 8 students. Watching my class, they were fully engaged and excited to learn the new skills. I learnt lots that I can use for myself and include in future teaching activities. So many thanks!”

- Ann Wilkinson, Year 7 – 8 Teacher at St Joseph's Catholic School, Fairfield

Our Staff

The TTS team of account managers, e-Learning specialists, content developers and professional learning facilitators offer decades of educational experience gained from teaching and working within the New Zealand and international markets.

This wealth of knowledge and experience means the team are well-positioned to assist schools in leading through change. They are dedicated to helping with:

Our Values


Our vision is to support an embedded culture of sustainability in all of our client organisations. Our own carbon target is consistent with the Paris Agreement, keeping the global warming increase below 1.5°C. Emissions from our business we cannot avoid are offset using NZ carbon offsets.


We are already a diverse and inclusive business. We work hard to actively promote equality, respect and diversity in all that we do. For our staff, we aim to provide them with a rewarding career and an environment where they feel respected and their talents are allowed to flourish.

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