Privacy Policy

TTS is committed to protecting the safety and security of schools, teachers, and students. We understand the importance and concerns you may have about the personal information that you have provided or entrusted to us.

It is a TTS policy that schools agree to personal information being used by TTS in accordance with this Privacy Policy before they register or purchase any of TTS’ services or products.

As part of our role with the school in providing ICT services, TTS is authorised by you the school to received and collect personal information about teachers and administrators, including information about their:

TTS Is authorised by the school to use such personal information from teachers and administrators, in order to:

As part of our role with the school in providing ICT services, TTS is authorised by the school to receive and collect personal information about students, including information about their:

TTS is authorised by the school to use such personal information from students, in order to:

Student information received or collected is only shared by TTS with those teachers and school administrators advised to TTS by the student’s school or other parties as authorised by the student’s school from time to time.

In addition to personal information and analytics TTS also receives anonymous information from users for TTS’ own purposes, such as statistical reports, learning and engagement information, which is used to improve services and offerings.

If you choose not to provide personal information, we will not be able to register and/or supply TTS service and products.

TTS is authorised by the school to the occasional public display of student achievement information from the TTS Universal Platform, provided that in all circumstances the school is informed of the content of the display, and only the first name of the student and the name of the school are identified in the respect of that student’s activity or achievement.

We keep your information safe by storing it in encrypted files and only permit authorised staff to access it. All school, staff, parent, and student data stored for the purpose of providing services is protected physically within a secure datacentre, and electronically with limited access and appropriate passwords, and security tokens.

TTS will not sell or knowingly divulge your information to advertisers or any third party without your consent unless for the purposes of providing TTS Services or products.

TTS is authorised by the school to transfer information held by TTS about a student to another school in New Zealand on request from the student and/or the school.

We keep the information we receive and collect from schools for as long as they are using TTS services and products. If a school cancels TTS services, we will only keep personal information, for the purposes of sending information about TTS services and products.

You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact us at, or 0800 887 4357, or PO Box 91866 AMSC Auckland 1142.

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