Contact Us

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Do you have a question? Our team can help.

Fill in your information below, and one of our support team members will be in touch.

What support solutions are you most interested in hearing about?
(click as many as apply)

Digital Learning support for your school

Managed ICT Services

Scheduled Technical Audits

Cloud Migration

Remote Support

Tech Procurement


Support for MoE funding applications


On Demand Digital Learning Subscription


“We appreciate your attention to detail and relentless support to embed better learning opportunities for our students.

We look forward to continuing our relationship with TTS in the future as our IT support provider.”

- Bronwyn Haitana, Deputy Principal at Melville Primary School

TTS Auckland

Office Address:

Level 18, Aon Centre,
29 Customs Street West,
Auckland 1010

Postal Address:

PO Box 105282,
Auckland City 1143

TTS Hamilton

Office Address:

401 Anglesea Street,
Hamilton 3204

Postal Address:

PO Box 978,
Waikato Mail Centre,
Hamilton 3204

TTS Wellington

Office Address:

Level 4, City Chambers,
142 Featherston Street,
Wellington 6140

Postal Address:

PO Box 1131,
Wellington 6140

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