Regionally-Allocated PLD
What is regionally-allocated PLD?
Regionally-allocated PLD is a structured and planned programme of professional learning and development, funded by the Ministry of Education.
How can TTS Help?
TTS can offer regionally-allocated PLD in the following areas:
- Literacy
- Inquiry Science
- Digital Fluency
- Community Communication
- Digital Technologies | Hangarau Matihiko
We’ve developed a model for delivering this that minimises release time.
- Observing: PLD facilitator looks at classroom management, task design, IT integration, curriculum integration, and reflects these observations to each teacher.
- Modelling: PLD facilitator models modern teaching methods with children.
- Workshopping: more traditional PLD, usually a one hour after school session. Looking at broader concepts.
Before making a proposal, there are several things you need to consider, and there are a number of questions your regionally-allocated PLD proposal should answer. Talk to one of our team on to discuss and to make a start.