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When is a good time to switch to the cloud?

School's transformation to the cloud

There’s a lot of talk around migrating to the cloud – it can be difficult to cut through the noise. As a school, you need to consider what this decision will mean for you. What problems are you trying to solve, and what outcomes are you expecting through this transformation.

Today’s learners demand constant access to technology despite budgetary pressures. Schools are coming under greater pressure to incorporate the technology their students are most familiar with in their everyday lives into the classroom.

As a specialist education IT provider, we see that many schools struggle with technology because they don’t have the technical and procurement expertise needed to make the best decisions for their school’s specific and ever-changing needs.

A partner who has the experience and knowledge to support your move to a cloud-first world will be asking many questions before embarking on this journey, such as:

  • What cloud-based applications are currently used by teachers and students?
  • What server-based applications are currently being used by the school?
  • What problems are currently experienced by the school’s technology set up that might be addressed by moving services to the cloud?
  • How can the use of cloud-based services support student learning at the school?
  • How could the use of cloud-based services support the administrative tasks at the school?
  • In what ways are students being prepared to move beyond being consumers of the cloud, to become creators?

TTS can help with your journey, through our experiences of transitioning other schools, we can point out the pitfalls and the benefits. We provide a balanced view of the options available and can advise what is the ‘best fit’ for the school based on what you want to achieve by going to the cloud.

At TTS we would like to help you implement transformational change, whilst future proofing your infrastructure, all at a pace that suits your school. Contact us at 0800 887 700 or email info@tts.co.nz

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